Dragonfly Earth Medicine Pure Certification
We are fully committed to growing the cleanest burning flower on this earth, which is why we are proud to uphold the DEM Pure standards
Highest quality natural inputs only
Cannassentials never feeds with bottle ingredients. We believe in balanced, plant-based nutrition and minerals, creating the bulk of our fertility on-site from sustainably grown crops and herbs. Our products are never extracted using hydrocarbons, ensuring the health of the consumer.
Soil Grown
Our plants thrive in living organic soil, enjoying conditions kept consistent with their natural habitats. If you reach your hand into one of our raised beds, you’ll find a diverse ecosystem of arthropods, annelids, nematodes, fungi and protozoa that work symbiotically to digest amendments and enrich the soil.
Six closed loop practices
Our list of closed-loop inputs is always growing. Among others, we employ:
Sprouted seed ferments brewed from our own corn;
Numerous ferment blends crafted with ingredients, including cannabis leaves, that are sustainably grown and harvested on our land;
A rainwater catchment;
Established beds of living soil
Sustainably-harvested willow from our land for both mulch and teas
Fresh aloe vera grown on-site for foliars and drenches;
Cover crops to improve tilth and fertility
Community Involvement
We think the whole world should grow this way, so we love providing information on how to do so with all that are interested. We offer tours to select community organizations to teach them about sustainable cannabis agriculture. Our team is fueled by some of the same homegrown crops that nourish our flowers, and what we don’t use is given to those who want and need it.